Saturday 3 December 2011

Knitting Natter

So it's been over a month since I last posted and I must try harder. But don't worry I have been busy clicking away with my needles.
I have finally finish my panda for my husband and I am very please with the result. As I reported before he is a pattern by Alan Dart which are always fantastic to knit, you knit all the piece in flat and sew up at the end.

 I impress myself with the jacket edging which is knitted as i-cord and the stitched on. I was a bit worried at one stage that I wouldn't be able to finish him, plus my husband did discover him at one point so the surprise has gone but I hope he will be impressed with the finished item. 
I have now moved on to my next project which I will be posted in the next week or so. 

1 comment :

  1. He's brilliant! Well done, and especially so for having to do it on the QT.
