Wednesday 19 October 2011

I haven't forgot to blog

I just thought I would let you all know that I haven't forgot my blog :)
I have been very busy knitting away but current have haven't finished any projects to show you.
I have a huge list of Christmas knits to get through and none of them seem to be moving very quickly which is a bit worrying.
I am currently knitting a Xiaopang Panda by Alan Dart for my husband, who has always moaned that I have never knitting him anything. He pick it out of Simple knitting July issue and I don't think either one of us realised how big it would be, I thought it would be quite a small quick knit just a bit bigger than my hamsters buy he is three times the size.
I am also going to knit a toy Freddie the Pheasant for my Grandad who loves pheasant s , but I haven't started him yet :/

 A lovely lady called Penny from sent me a knitting kit for him for only £8.00! So I hope to crack on with him soon.

So thats what I've been up too :)