Saturday 23 July 2011

Little Strawberry

I have a little quick knit last knit which turned out really well and is very sweet.
The strawberry only took an hour and the pattern came from a magazine called Let's Knit,you need to be a member to view the pattern,but its well worth it as there are lots of great patterns.
There is also a beautiful daisy chain with strawberries and daisies on it, which I think beats doing bunting hands down. :)  

Thursday 21 July 2011

Completed Crab

Yesterday I finally completed my crab who was named Colin by my bother-in law. I turned out a bit wonky but I think he is nice in his own special way.
I used a wool called Sirdar Crofter DK which is a sock wool which I don't think did him any favours but it did give him an interesting pattern on his tummy.  I think he can out a little bit strange because I had to adjust the pattern to create two large claws and make them large than the original pattern . He took so long because of all the legs that he needed and the was a lot of stitching up with pipe cleaners in each leg to make them stick out. Sadly the pipe cleaners were not quite strong enough to carry his full weight and I think I will invest in some stronger wire to put into my next creation. 
I love his eyes which I think make him look really great. 

I have submitted him to the purls by the sea exhibition  so lets all hope that he gets in! :)

Monday 11 July 2011

Knitty issues

I seem to be having a few knitting issues at the moment. It's more the a crisis as everything that I am knitting seems to be going wrong : / 
I have made a right mess of my cardigan that I was knitting, and I am completely unsure what to do next with it.
I only have 4 more rows to knit to reach the right size but only have 87 stitch on me needle and I need 92! Do I plow on with it a bodge it together? Or finally call it quits? 

I add to the issues I have problems with my crab, the claws are too thin and I want them to be chunky but they don't look right.
So many worries!

On a happier note I have organised a knit day for all the members of Norfolk Nutty Knitters (and anyone else who wants to come). 
It's called Knit in the Park and takes part on
Sunday, August 21 · 2:00pm - 5:00pm
At Eaton Park Norwich.
 For a picnic (weather permitting) at Eaton Park.
So bring your needles for a day of outdoor clicking and chatting!
Feel free to bring your children or family members the more the merrier.

Sunday 3 July 2011


I am still on the hunt for knitted sea creatures, I have start to knit a Cromer Crab but I think that I picked the wrong colour wool and fear that he is going to look really strange. 
I am using a pattern called Fiddler Crab by Hansi Singh.
Fiddler crabs have one claw larger than the other and I will need to replace the smaller one with a second large claw to turn it into a Cromer Crab. To make matters worse the pattern is really hard to knit, there are so many legs and you have to pick up soooo many stitches that I hope this will not be come another failed project. Wish me luck.